Everything In Life Has An Opportunity Cost

Have you ever made a life-changing decision that cost you something than earned?

Joshua Romero
4 min readJan 5, 2021

Every decision we made counts — even the small ones, each of them has underlying ramifications. Every morning you wake up, you have to make a decision that will surely steer your day, either getting up from your bed and act on those plans you strategize for years or continue to lie down and make those plans, just plans.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Opportunity cost is the value of what you lose when choosing between two or more options, according to Joshua Kennon, the co-author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Investing, 3rd Edition.”

When I was 17-year old, I made a decision that changed my life forever. A graduating IT major, senior high school student — the pioneer of the Philippines Kto12 Education Program. My goal was to pursue university after high school, I might be taking up a business or communication major by now, but a call from a business process outsourcing company blurred everything, they offered me a job (which was supposedly the internship program I applied at their company a month ago but never got a response of any kind) — this time, they come after me and offered a full-time job to a city 435 miles away from home.



Joshua Romero

Writes about Psychology & Emotional Intelligence | Transformation & Innovation | E: joshua.romero@paylagroups.com